wandering queer

brouillon, dans le désordre et au crayon gris

My racism (etc) 17 juillet 2016

Quelques posts qui ont retenu mon attention ces derniers temps sur mon fil d’info sur face de bouc, pour celleux qui ne l’ont pas. Parce que récemment, on a parlé IRL avec des copines de ces thèmes-là, et je me suis rendue compte que sans fb je lirais beaucoup moins sur ce thème. Parce que je veux partager ces discussions avec elles. Pour que celles qui lisent l’anglais traduisent aux autres.

C’est beaucoup des articles nord américains, parce que le contexte de ces derniers semaines là bas a fait surgir beaucoup de paroles là dessus. ça n’est pas une raison pour se distancier et pour ne pas le prendre pour nous.

(not-translation: i don’t publish much anymore, but at least i’ll put there some of the interesting articles that i see in my feed, for the fb-deprived 😉 )



My Racism: My Harmful Attempts To Be One Of The « Good Whites »


The author takes the suggestion made by Tawnia Denise Anderson : « White people, you have heard it said that you must talk to other white people about racism, and you must. But don’t talk to them about their racism. Talk to them about YOUR racism. (…). Don’t make it « their » problem. Understand it as your problem, because it is.« , and she talks about her racism.

Both the whole quote and the article are worth thinking about.



7 et 8 juillet : morts d’Alton Sterling et Philando Castile, deux Noirs tués par la police.


(maintenant on en est à 117, que je sache…)

Girlfriend who live streamed Philando Castile shooting speaks

Aux US : L’homme qui a été tué parce qu’il sortait ses papiers de sa poche, dans sa voiture, lors d’un controle de police. Sa petite-amie a filmé, elle raconte comment ça s’est passé


un post d’une meuf, Kelly Diels, sur fb, que je copie/colle :

My husband, my son.

One night, when I was pregnant, my husband went out to get gas. We’re Canadian and it was our weekly habit to go across the border to the US to fill up. We liked to do that late Sunday nights because there’s no line-up at the border. But I was pregnant and not feeling or sleeping well, so I went to bed and he went for gas.

He phoned me at 11pm, just as I’d finally fallen asleep. He was upset. He’d been pulled over in the US for speeding.

I was irritated. You woke me up for that? Pay the ticket and move on.

In the morning I opened my eyes and he was laying on his side looking at me. He’d obviously been awake for a while.

« Baby, » he said, « I was scared. »

It was 2014. Michael Brown, Eric Gardner. He saw the police officer walking up to the car with his hand on the gun.

Before the officer even got to the car, my husband had run through the sequence. He’d laid out the insurance papers and his driver’s license on the dash. He’d taken down his hoodie. He had the windows rolled down and his hands clearly visible on the steering wheel. He didn’t want to have to make any sudden movements or any movements at all.

Because he was scared.

And then, after he got the ticket – the officer was kind, polite – my husband called me. He was coming down off the scared, you know?

And I was irritated. I didn’t get it.

And I live with him. I love him.

I didn’t get it because I’ve never, ever felt that fear or had to go through that sequence. It has never occurred to me when an officer approaches the car that I might die.

This is reality for black and brown people. They are not safe – not even from the people who are supposed to keep us all safe – and they know it.

This is my husband and my son and they are your brothers.



5 juillet : Pride de Toronto

Lors de la pride, le mouvement Black Lives Matter, qui était invité d’honneur, a bloqué la pride 30 mn pour interpeller l’orga sur son racisme et obtenir des promesses signées. ça a marché (même si depuis… bref), voilà leur site avec toutes les infos, les demandes, et la video de ces meufs et queers super powerful qui prennent la parole alors qu’on les hue.


allez hop c’est tout pour l’instant, bonnes lectures.


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